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dtiMetrics™ is an assessment system that keeps test results and student records online. dtiMetrics™ quizzes against existing textbooks or standardized tests and generates a remediation plan for the student. For more information click here .


CertBlaster® is a powerful certification preparation tool that simulates the conditions of the certification exams students prepare for. CertBlaster® offers four practice modes and all the different question types required to simulate all the exams. For more information click here.

Modern Automotive Service Technician (MAST)

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This online class includes video for module introductions – voice over for all lesson introductions – in excess of 70 2D and 3D animations of automotive assemblies and systems – interactive exercises – lesson review quizzes and exercises, click here for online demo. Also available are 8 individual CertBlaster's™ for ASE exam practice and preparation. These simulations of the ASE Exams include explanations to the questions as well as references back to the e-Class for further study.




Medical Support Services

Click on the image to play the video introduction.
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This online curriculum prepares students for a career in the fast growing medical support services field. In addition to developing the professional skills necessary for accurate medical coding and billing, the student will also have the ability to sit for the AHIMA and CCA exam as well as the American Career Certification Board’s CMCP exam. The complete curriculum consists of Medical Terminology (prerequisite class), Medical Billing and Medical Coding (these classes can be bought separately as well). Together these classes cover about 500 hours of training.

We also offer a CertBlaster for preparation to AHIMA’s Certified Coding Associate (CCA) exam containing several hundred practice questions. We are alos making available a CertBlaster for preparation to the ACCB’s Certified Medical Claims Professional (CMCP) exam. With in excess of 500 hours of interactive online study this class requires no other prerequisite than a GED level educational background.

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